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The Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation (CRC) is a research and services unit that falls under the joint umbrella of the CNRS (France’s national scientific research council), the French National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) and the Ministry of Culture. It specializes in research aiming at the preservation of cultural property, focusing on objects held in museums, archives and libraries, but also on historical monuments. Research aims, in particular, to deepen our understanding of the materials and to study the processes of decay that such materials undergo, as well as to develop preventive and curative preservation techniques.

This unit was created through the amalgamation of the Center for Research on Preservation of Collections (of the National Natural History Museum in Paris), and the scientific team from the Historical Monuments Research Laboratory (located in the Château de Champs-sur-Marne) in 2012 and that of the Museum of Music (housed in the Cité de la Musique in Paris) in 2014.


 French national institute of cultural heritage, called Institut national du patrimoine (Inp), is a higher education institution that belongs to the French Ministry of Culture. The academy is in charge of the selection and training of both curators and conservators that will be enabled to work on national collections. The training in a single institute of these two complementary professions is unique in Europe.

The Inp also offers continuing training programmes and is a place of cultural diffusion through conferences in collaboration with other heritage institutions or universities in France or abroad. The Institut national du patrimoine is located in 2 historical sites : galerie Colbert in Paris, in the heart of the institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA) for the department of curators and administrative headquarters, and Aubervilliers, for the department of conservators, re-using a former matchstick factory dating from the 19th century and totally renovated for the purposes of the initial and continuing training programmes.


The French National Committee of ICOM  has over 4,800 institutional and individual members, forming a broad and diverse community of actors working all over the country in every discipline, from fine arts to science and technology, natural history, ecomuseums and living-history museums. Together, the members of ICOM France work to represent and promote museums and support their individual professional goals, from managing collections to reaching a wider audience, training, integrating new job roles, adopting new technologies and identifying sources of funding.

As a not-for-profit association, governed by the French Act of 1901 and active since 1946, ICOM France is a key player in the museum sector at both the national and international level, thanks to its large membership and representative weight in the non-governmental organisation, the International Council of Museums (ICOM).


The Domaine d’intérêt majeur (DIM) Heritage and ancient materials  is the Île-de-France research network dedicated to the study of ancient and patrimonial materials. Its singularity relies upon a strong interdisciplinary paradigm, which expresses through 8 transversal research thematics. It cares about improving the scientific and public knowledge about ancients materials, based on a dialog between research in physics, chemistry, computer science, environment sciences, biology and art history, archeology, paleontology and text studies. Socio-economical partners, involved in scientific research and its valorization, are members of the DIM.

The Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine is a partnership foundation placed under the ministry of Cultural Heritage. It was created in 2013 to ensure the governance of the LabEx ("Excellence laboratory") Patrima and of the EquipEx ("excellence equipment") Patrimex. These two projects are funded as part of the investment program for the future of the "Grand emprunt". 

The objectives of the Fondation des sciences du patrimoine are the structuration and funding of the research related to cultural heritage material with three main actions: 

  • Intimate knowledge of the heritage
  • Improvement of conservation and restoration processes
  • Improvement of knowledge dissemination techniques




With the support of Hermès



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